Research Zone

Dr Reddys Laboratories Limited vs Smart Laboratories Pvt Ltd
Court: Delhi High Court Issue: Whether the phonetic similarity of AZIWOKE (product by Dr Reddys Laboratories Limited) and AZIWAKE (product by Smart Laboratories Pvt Ltd) amount to being “deceptively similar”? Whether a lawsuit can be filed without first exhausting the pre-institution mediation remedy mandated under Section 12A of the Commercial Courts Act. Rules: Section 23

Provisions against “fraud” under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
Introduction: When two eligible adults, as provided under sections 2 and 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act, marry in accordance with Hindu (or related ‘Sanatani’ religions) customs, it is said to be a legally recognised marriage. However, as the case may arise, there is a possibility of “fraud” occurring during the course of the solemnisation

What Are The Distinctions Between The Terms “Unmarried”, “Bachelor”, And “Divorcee” In India?
INTRODUCTION: While there are no defined meanings for the terms “bachelor”, “unmarried”, and “divorcee” in Indian laws, an interpretation of these might be necessary in cases where concealment of prior marriage status may be a bone of contention. Oxford Dictionary defines “bachelor” as” a man who has never been married”, while “unmarried” is defined as

ICC: Constitution and Functions
Introduction to POSH Act There was a time when women and men led separate lives based on gender-defined roles as conformed to by society. Over time, due to industrialization and globalization, the dynamics of gender have undergone radical evolution. While men were considered the sole breadwinners of the household, women were muffled and caged inside

Balancing Contract Enforcement and Bona Fide Protections `Under Section 19(b)
Introduction Section 19 Clause (b) of the Specific Relief Act, 1963, empowers a plaintiff to enforce specific performance of a contract against not just the original contracting party but also against subsequent transferees, provided certain conditions are met. This provision underscores the significance of contractual obligations and seeks to uphold the sanctity of agreements in

Analysis of the Judgment in Manjit Singh & Anr. v. Darshana Devi
Ors. (Civil Appeal No. 13066/2024) Issue:Whether the subsequent purchasers (Manjit Singh and Anr.) of the suit property were bona fide purchasers under Section 19(b) of the Specific Relief Act, 1963,and thus protected from the decree of specific performance in favor of the plaintiff (Darshana Devi). Rule: Section 19(b) of Specific Relief Act, 1963Specific performance of