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Critical Analysis Section 8 Of Pocso Act

ABSTRACT  This research paper critically analyses Section 8 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, focusing on its objectives, scope, punishment provisions, and the jurisprudential landscape shaped by relevant judgments. Section 8

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Online Gambling – The Legal Framework

ABSTRACT   Online gambling represents a rapidly expanding sector of service in India and around the world. Its commercial and economic significance is seen in the high standard of technological advancement displayed by gambling operators around the globe

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Electoral Offences Under Indian Law – Research Revised

ABSTRACT  One of the crucial components of a democratic election is the right to vote freely. In every democratic nation on earth, electoral systems are based on the inherent right of the individual. This followed candidate freedom and universal suffrage. Since the 19th century, states have relied on political parties to select candidates in accordance with the principles and procedures of the party administration in

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Legal Education In India

ABSTRACT: As the title suggests, the main aim of this article is to through light and knowledge on what works to prevent crime by bringing together leading evidence-based research and the various interventions being organized

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