On The Case Of Nachiket P Shirgaonkar Versus Pandit Automotive

The primary issue in the case of Nachiket P Shirgaonkar versus Pandit Automotive is whether Pandit Automotive breached the contract by not delivering the vehicle as per the agreed terms, and if Nachiket P Shirgaonkar is entitled to remedies for this breach.

Whether Pandit Automative was engaged in unfair trade practices and breached the consumer rights of Nachiket P Shirgaonkar under the applicable consumer protection laws.

The relevant legal rules here involve the principles of contract law, particularly concerning breach of contract and specific performance; consumer protection laws, particularly those focused on unfair trade practices and the rights of consumers. Key provisions may include:

  1. The Consumer Protection Act, which aims to protect consumers from unfair trade practices, defective goods, and deficient services.
  2. Provisions related to the sale of goods, warranties, and service standards.
  3. Legal precedents and case law interpreting unfair trade practices and consumer rights.
  4. The Indian Contract Act, regarding breach of contract and specific performance.


  1. Breach of Contract:
  • Nachiket P Shirgaonkar claims that Pandit Automotive breached their contractual obligations by failing to deliver goods as specified in the contract. Shirgaonkar fulfilled their obligations by making timely payments.
  • Evidence shows that Pandit Automotive did not deliver the goods as agreed upon, constituting a breach of contract.
  • Shirgaonkar suffered financial losses due to Pandit Automotive’s breach, evidenced by invoices and correspondence. 
  1. Defamation:
  • Shirgaonkar alleges that Pandit Automotive made false statements about him to other business associates, damaging his professional reputation.
  • Statements such as accusations of non-payment or dishonest business practices were made without evidence and were communicated to third parties.
  • These statements caused Shirgaonkar reputational harm, affecting his business relationships and opportunities.


In conclusion, Nachiketa P Shirgaonkar is likely to succeed in his claims against Pandit Automotive. The evidence supports the contention that Pandit Automotive breached their contractual obligations by failing to deliver goods and engaged in defamatory conduct by making false statements that harmed Shirgaonkar’s reputation. Therefore, Shirgaonkar should be entitled to remedies such as damages for financial losses incurred due to the breach of contract and compensation for the harm caused by defamation.



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